Fechas, Cursos Bimestrales
Inicio de clases: Semana del 24 de febrero, 2025
Fin de las clases: Semana del 31 de marzo, 2025
Enrollment information
Ordinary registration
Del 09 al 15 de septiembre, 2024
Extraordinary enrollment
Del 16 al 18 de septiembre, 2024
Inicio de clases: Semana del 24 de febrero, 2025
Fin de las clases: Semana del 31 de marzo, 2025
2 meses
Precio único por curso, no se cobra matrícula adicional.
* Recargo del 10%
* Recargo del 10%
*El envío de los libros por medio de Correos de Costa Rica tiene un costo adicional de ¢3.500
Costo: 120.000 colones (no tiene el recargo del 10%)
Facilidades de pago: Dos tractos el primero del 70% y el segundo del 30%
Medios de pago: Presencial solo con tarjeta, depósito o transferencia
Matrícula: Del 09 al 18 de agosto, 2024.
* El precio de los cursos esta sujeto a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Este incluye el material didáctico (libros de texto y ejercicios).
** NO SE DEVUELVE DINERO DEL CURSO MATRICULADO: Es importante que el o la estudiante esté seguro de su matrícula, ya que bajo ninguna circunstancia se aplica el congelamiento de matrícula ni solicitudes de reintegro de dinero por concepto de pago de curso. La devolución se tramitará únicamente cuando el curso matriculado sea cerrado por el Instituto Confucio de la UCR.
La matricula es abierta al PÚBLICO EN GENERAL.
Debe enviar los siguientes documentos al correo secretaria.confucio@ucr.ac.cr :
Estamos ubicados únicamente en la Universidad de Costa Rica en San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, costado oeste de la Escuela de Arquitectura.
Actualizado el 30/08/2024
El nuevo programa de cursos intensivos de idioma chino se divide en dos etapas: básico e intermedio. La estapa básica consta de 6 niveles que se subdividen en: HSK1 A, HSK1 B, HSK1 C, HSK 2 A, HSK2 B, HSK 2 C.
La etapa intermedia consta de 5 niveles denominados: HSK3 A, HSK3 B, HSK3 C, HSK3 D, HSK 3E.
La etapa de avanzado consta de 5 niveles denominados: Avanzado 1A, Avanzado 2A, Avanzado 3A, Avanzado 4A, Avanzado 5A.
Cada curso tiene una duración de 39 horas divididas en 7 sesiones de 6 horas semanales cada una. Cuando los estudiantes terminan satisfactoriamente la etapa de básico, se les confiere un certificado de aprovechamiento.
Con el fin de mejorar la enseñanza del chino y facilitarle al estudiante un mejor aprendizaje, a partir de enero del 2020 las personas que no hayan matriculado cursos en el Instituto Confucio por más de 1 año deben realizar el examen de ubicación.
Los estudiantes matriculados obtienen ventajas tales como oportunidades de becas para la Escuela de verano de la Universidad de Renmin, becas de 6 meses, 1 año o para bachilleratos o maestrías en la enseñanza del chino en universidades de la República Popular China, entre otras.
Los estudiantes matriculados también tienen la oportunidad de ganar un cupo para la Competencia Puente Chino Universitario que se lleva a cabo en julio de cada año en una ciudad de la República Popular China. Todos los gastos de viaje, hospedaje y alimentación son cubiertos.
Es importante señalar que algunas clases pueden ser impartidas en inglés a partir del curso HSK 2A en adelante.
Por último, los estudiantes matriculados pueden participar en Campamentos de verano en la República Popular China subsidiados por la Sede Central de los Institutos Confucio.
Enrollment information
Ordinary registration
Del 08 al 14 de julio, 2024
Extraordinary enrollment
Del 15 al 17 de julio, 2024
Inicio de clases: Semana del 24 de febrero, 2025
Fin de las clases: Semana del 31 de marzo, 2025
2 meses
Precio único por curso, no se cobra matrícula adicional.
* Recargo del 10%
* Recargo del 10%
*El envío de los libros por medio de Correos de Costa Rica tiene un costo adicional de ¢3.500
Costo: 120.000 colones (no tiene el recargo del 10%)
Facilidades de pago: Dos tractos el primero del 70% y el segundo del 30%
Medios de pago: Presencial solo con tarjeta, depósito o transferencia
Matrícula: Del 08 al 17 de julio, 2024.
* El precio de los cursos esta sujeto a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Este incluye el material didáctico (libros de texto y ejercicios).
** NO SE DEVUELVE DINERO DEL CURSO MATRICULADO: Es importante que el o la estudiante esté seguro de su matrícula, ya que bajo ninguna circunstancia se aplica el congelamiento de matrícula ni solicitudes de reintegro de dinero por concepto de pago de curso. La devolución se tramitará únicamente cuando el curso matriculado sea cerrado por el Instituto Confucio de la UCR.
La matricula es abierta al PÚBLICO EN GENERAL.
Debe enviar los siguientes documentos al correo secretaria.confucio@ucr.ac.cr :
Estamos ubicados únicamente en la Universidad de Costa Rica en San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, costado oeste de la Escuela de Arquitectura.
Actualizado el 21/06/2024
El nuevo programa de cursos intensivos de idioma chino se divide en dos etapas: básico e intermedio. La estapa básica consta de 6 niveles que se subdividen en: HSK1 A, HSK1 B, HSK1 C, HSK 2 A, HSK2 B, HSK 2 C.
La etapa intermedia consta de 5 niveles denominados: HSK3 A, HSK3 B, HSK3 C, HSK3 D, HSK 3E.
La etapa de avanzado consta de 5 niveles denominados: Avanzado 1A, Avanzado 2A, Avanzado 3A, Avanzado 4A, Avanzado 5A.
Cada curso tiene una duración de 39 horas divididas en 7 sesiones de 6 horas semanales cada una. Cuando los estudiantes terminan satisfactoriamente la etapa de básico, se les confiere un certificado de aprovechamiento.
Con el fin de mejorar la enseñanza del chino y facilitarle al estudiante un mejor aprendizaje, a partir de enero del 2020 las personas que no hayan matriculado cursos en el Instituto Confucio por más de 1 año deben realizar el examen de ubicación.
Los estudiantes matriculados obtienen ventajas tales como oportunidades de becas para la Escuela de verano de la Universidad de Renmin, becas de 6 meses, 1 año o para bachilleratos o maestrías en la enseñanza del chino en universidades de la República Popular China, entre otras.
Los estudiantes matriculados también tienen la oportunidad de ganar un cupo para la Competencia Puente Chino Universitario que se lleva a cabo en julio de cada año en una ciudad de la República Popular China. Todos los gastos de viaje, hospedaje y alimentación son cubiertos.
Es importante señalar que algunas clases pueden ser impartidas en inglés a partir del curso HSK 2A en adelante.
Por último, los estudiantes matriculados pueden participar en Campamentos de verano en la República Popular China subsidiados por la Sede Central de los Institutos Confucio.
Enrollment information
Registration information, payment, scheduleOrdinary registration
From July 8 to 14, 2024
Extraordinary enrollment
From July 15 to 17, 2024
Inicio de clases: Semana del 24 de febrero, 2025
Fin de las clases: Semana del 31 de marzo, 2025
2 months
Single price per course, no additional registration is charged.
Ordinary Registration Price: ¢76,500
Extraordinary Enrollment Price: *¢84,150
* Surcharge of 10%
Ordinary Registration Price: ¢80,000
Extraordinary Enrollment Price: *¢88,000
* Surcharge of 10%
*Sending the books through Correos de Costa Rica has an additional cost of ¢3,500
Cost: 120,000 colones (does not have the 10% surcharge)
Payment facilities: Two installments, the first 70% and the second 30%
Means of payment: In person only with card, deposit or transfer
Registration: From July 8 to 17, 2024.
Money refunds will be applied only in cases of group closure. Likewise, if by mistake a sum greater than the registration amount is charged, the corresponding refund will be made.
It is important that the student is sure of his or her enrollment, since under no circumstances is the enrollment postponed or requests for refund of money for course payment applied.
The procedure for the refund of the money consists of filling out the MONEY RETURN FORM which you can find attached below or pick up at the Institute's reception. You have 5 working days once the closure of the group has been notified to carry out the procedure, otherwise the refund will not be applied.
* The price of the courses is subject to change without prior notice. This includes the didactic material (textbooks and exercises).
** NO MONEY IS RETURNED FROM THE REGISTERED COURSE: It is important that the student is sure of his or her enrollment, since under no circumstances is the enrollment postponed or requests for refund of money for course payment applied. The refund will be processed only when the enrolled course is closed by the Confucius Institute of the UCR.
*** In case of being a minor, you must bring two copies of the Letter of Acceptance of Responsibility for Minors under 18 Years of Age, both must be filled out by hand in the corresponding spaces, in addition to being signed by the student and the responsible person of the minor, the person in charge must also provide a photocopy of an ID on both sides of it on a single page. These 3 documents must be presented on the first day of classes. The letter can be downloaded within this page where you are located, at the end of it.
Registration is open to the GENERAL PUBLIC.
You must send the following documents to the email secretaria.confucio@ucr.ac.cr:
If they must justify an absence or request the replacement of a partial or final exam, they must download the document at the end of this page called "Form of justification of absences or exams".
This document must be printed and filled in the corresponding spaces according to the due request, as the case may be, that the student must justify, in addition, they must attach the corresponding documents. You can find the forms at our reception or request it right there.
Characteristics of the Intensive Chinese Language Courses
The new program of intensive Chinese language courses is divided into two stages: basic and intermediate. The basic stage consists of 6 levels that are subdivided into: HSK1 A, HSK1 B, HSK1 C, HSK 2 A, HSK2 B, HSK 2 C.
The intermediate stage consists of 5 levels called: HSK3 A, HSK3 B, HSK3 C, HSK3 D, HSK 3E.
The advanced stage consists of 5 levels called: Advanced 1A, Advanced 2A, Advanced 3A, Advanced 4A, Advanced 5A
Each course lasts 39 hours divided into 7 sessions of 6 hours per week each. When students successfully complete the basic stage, they are awarded a certificate of achievement.
In order to improve the teaching of Chinese and make it easier for the student to learn better, starting from January 2020, people who have not enrolled in courses at the Confucius Institute for more than 1 year must take the placement test.
Enrolled students gain advantages such as Renmin University Summer School scholarship opportunities, 6-month, 1-year, or bachelor's or master's scholarships in teaching Chinese at universities in the People's Republic of China, among others.
Enrolled students also have the opportunity to win a place in the University Chinese Bridge Competition held in July each year in a city in the People's Republic of China. All travel, lodging and food expenses are covered.
It is important to note that some classes may be taught in English from the HSK 2A course onwards.
Finally, enrolled students can participate in Summer Camps in the People's Republic of China subsidized by the Headquarters of the Confucius Institutes.
We are located only at the University of Costa Rica in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, west side of the School of Architecture.
Updated on 21/06/23
Attach | Kind |
Enrollment information
Registration information, payment, scheduleOrdinary registration
From September 9 to 15, 2024
Extraordinary enrollment
From September 16 to 18, 2024
Inicio de clases: Semana del 24 de febrero, 2025
Fin de las clases: Semana del 31 de marzo, 2025
2 months
Single price per course, no additional registration is charged.
Ordinary Registration Price: ¢76,500
Extraordinary Enrollment Price: *¢84,150
* Surcharge of 10%
Ordinary Registration Price: ¢80,000
Extraordinary Enrollment Price: *¢88,000
* Surcharge of 10%
*Sending the books through Correos de Costa Rica has an additional cost of ¢3,500
Cost: 120,000 colones (does not have the 10% surcharge)
Payment facilities: Two installments, the first 70% and the second 30%
Means of payment: In person only with card, deposit or transfer
Registration: From September 09 to 18, 2024
Money refunds will be applied only in cases of group closure. Likewise, if by mistake a sum greater than the registration amount is charged, the corresponding refund will be made.
It is important that the student is sure of his or her enrollment, since under no circumstances is the enrollment postponed or requests for refund of money for course payment applied.
The procedure for the refund of the money consists of filling out the MONEY RETURN FORM which you can find attached below or pick up at the Institute's reception. You have 5 working days once the closure of the group has been notified to carry out the procedure, otherwise the refund will not be applied.
* The price of the courses is subject to change without prior notice. This includes the didactic material (textbooks and exercises).
** NO MONEY IS RETURNED FROM THE REGISTERED COURSE: It is important that the student is sure of his or her enrollment, since under no circumstances is the enrollment postponed or requests for refund of money for course payment applied. The refund will be processed only when the enrolled course is closed by the Confucius Institute of the UCR.
*** In case of being a minor, you must bring two copies of the Letter of Acceptance of Responsibility for Minors under 18 Years of Age, both must be filled out by hand in the corresponding spaces, in addition to being signed by the student and the responsible person of the minor, the person in charge must also provide a photocopy of an ID on both sides of it on a single page. These 3 documents must be presented on the first day of classes. The letter can be downloaded within this page where you are located, at the end of it.
Registration is open to the GENERAL PUBLIC.
You must send the following documents to the email secretaria.confucio@ucr.ac.cr:
If they must justify an absence or request the replacement of a partial or final exam, they must download the document at the end of this page called "Form of justification of absences or exams".
This document must be printed and filled in the corresponding spaces according to the due request, as the case may be, that the student must justify, in addition, they must attach the corresponding documents. You can find the forms at our reception or request it right there.
Characteristics of the Intensive Chinese Language Courses
The new program of intensive Chinese language courses is divided into two stages: basic and intermediate. The basic stage consists of 6 levels that are subdivided into: HSK1 A, HSK1 B, HSK1 C, HSK 2 A, HSK2 B, HSK 2 C.
The intermediate stage consists of 5 levels called: HSK3 A, HSK3 B, HSK3 C, HSK3 D, HSK 3E.
The advanced stage consists of 5 levels called: Advanced 1A, Advanced 2A, Advanced 3A, Advanced 4A, Advanced 5A
Each course lasts 39 hours divided into 7 sessions of 6 hours per week each. When students successfully complete the basic stage, they are awarded a certificate of achievement.
In order to improve the teaching of Chinese and make it easier for the student to learn better, starting from January 2020, people who have not enrolled in courses at the Confucius Institute for more than 1 year must take the placement test.
Enrolled students gain advantages such as Renmin University Summer School scholarship opportunities, 6-month, 1-year, or bachelor's or master's scholarships in teaching Chinese at universities in the People's Republic of China, among others.
Enrolled students also have the opportunity to win a place in the University Chinese Bridge Competition held in July each year in a city in the People's Republic of China. All travel, lodging and food expenses are covered.
It is important to note that some classes may be taught in English from the HSK 2A course onwards.
Finally, enrolled students can participate in Summer Camps in the People's Republic of China subsidized by the Headquarters of the Confucius Institutes.
We are located only at the University of Costa Rica in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, west side of the School of Architecture.
Updated on 30/08/23
Attach | Kind |
Enrollment information
Registration information, payment, scheduleOrdinary registration
From July 8 to 14, 2024
Extraordinary enrollment
From July 15 to 17, 2024
Inicio de clases: Semana del 24 de febrero, 2025
Fin de las clases: Semana del 31 de marzo, 2025
2 months
Single price per course, no additional registration is charged.
Ordinary Registration Price: ¢76,500
Extraordinary Enrollment Price: *¢84,150
* Surcharge of 10%
Ordinary Registration Price: ¢80,000
Extraordinary Enrollment Price: *¢88,000
* Surcharge of 10%
*Sending the books through Correos de Costa Rica has an additional cost of ¢3,500
Cost: 120,000 colones (does not have the 10% surcharge)
Payment facilities: Two installments, the first 70% and the second 30%
Means of payment: In person only with card, deposit or transfer
Registration: From July 8 to 17, 2024.
Money refunds will be applied only in cases of group closure. Likewise, if by mistake a sum greater than the registration amount is charged, the corresponding refund will be made.
It is important that the student is sure of his or her enrollment, since under no circumstances is the enrollment postponed or requests for refund of money for course payment applied.
The procedure for the refund of the money consists of filling out the MONEY RETURN FORM which you can find attached below or pick up at the Institute's reception. You have 5 working days once the closure of the group has been notified to carry out the procedure, otherwise the refund will not be applied.
* The price of the courses is subject to change without prior notice. This includes the didactic material (textbooks and exercises).
** NO MONEY IS RETURNED FROM THE REGISTERED COURSE: It is important that the student is sure of his or her enrollment, since under no circumstances is the enrollment postponed or requests for refund of money for course payment applied. The refund will be processed only when the enrolled course is closed by the Confucius Institute of the UCR.
*** In case of being a minor, you must bring two copies of the Letter of Acceptance of Responsibility for Minors under 18 Years of Age, both must be filled out by hand in the corresponding spaces, in addition to being signed by the student and the responsible person of the minor, the person in charge must also provide a photocopy of an ID on both sides of it on a single page. These 3 documents must be presented on the first day of classes. The letter can be downloaded within this page where you are located, at the end of it.
Registration is open to the GENERAL PUBLIC.
You must send the following documents to the email secretaria.confucio@ucr.ac.cr:
If they must justify an absence or request the replacement of a partial or final exam, they must download the document at the end of this page called "Form of justification of absences or exams".
This document must be printed and filled in the corresponding spaces according to the due request, as the case may be, that the student must justify, in addition, they must attach the corresponding documents. You can find the forms at our reception or request it right there.
Characteristics of the Intensive Chinese Language Courses
The new program of intensive Chinese language courses is divided into two stages: basic and intermediate. The basic stage consists of 6 levels that are subdivided into: HSK1 A, HSK1 B, HSK1 C, HSK 2 A, HSK2 B, HSK 2 C.
The intermediate stage consists of 5 levels called: HSK3 A, HSK3 B, HSK3 C, HSK3 D, HSK 3E.
The advanced stage consists of 5 levels called: Advanced 1A, Advanced 2A, Advanced 3A, Advanced 4A, Advanced 5A
Each course lasts 39 hours divided into 7 sessions of 6 hours per week each. When students successfully complete the basic stage, they are awarded a certificate of achievement.
In order to improve the teaching of Chinese and make it easier for the student to learn better, starting from January 2020, people who have not enrolled in courses at the Confucius Institute for more than 1 year must take the placement test.
Enrolled students gain advantages such as Renmin University Summer School scholarship opportunities, 6-month, 1-year, or bachelor's or master's scholarships in teaching Chinese at universities in the People's Republic of China, among others.
Enrolled students also have the opportunity to win a place in the University Chinese Bridge Competition held in July each year in a city in the People's Republic of China. All travel, lodging and food expenses are covered.
It is important to note that some classes may be taught in English from the HSK 2A course onwards.
Finally, enrolled students can participate in Summer Camps in the People's Republic of China subsidized by the Headquarters of the Confucius Institutes.
We are located only at the University of Costa Rica in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, west side of the School of Architecture.
Updated on 21/06/23
Attach | Kind |
Enrollment information
Ordinary registration
Del 08 al 14 de julio, 2024
Extraordinary enrollment
Del 15 al 17 de julio, 2024
Inicio de clases: Semana del 24 de febrero, 2025
Fin de las clases: Semana del 31 de marzo, 2025
2 meses
Precio único por curso, no se cobra matrícula adicional.
* Recargo del 10%
* Recargo del 10%
*El envío de los libros por medio de Correos de Costa Rica tiene un costo adicional de ¢3.500
Costo: 120.000 colones (no tiene el recargo del 10%)
Facilidades de pago: Dos tractos el primero del 70% y el segundo del 30%
Medios de pago: Presencial solo con tarjeta, depósito o transferencia
Matrícula: Del 08 al 17 de julio, 2024.
* El precio de los cursos esta sujeto a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Este incluye el material didáctico (libros de texto y ejercicios).
** NO SE DEVUELVE DINERO DEL CURSO MATRICULADO: Es importante que el o la estudiante esté seguro de su matrícula, ya que bajo ninguna circunstancia se aplica el congelamiento de matrícula ni solicitudes de reintegro de dinero por concepto de pago de curso. La devolución se tramitará únicamente cuando el curso matriculado sea cerrado por el Instituto Confucio de la UCR.
La matricula es abierta al PÚBLICO EN GENERAL.
Debe enviar los siguientes documentos al correo secretaria.confucio@ucr.ac.cr :
Estamos ubicados únicamente en la Universidad de Costa Rica en San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, costado oeste de la Escuela de Arquitectura.
Actualizado el 21/06/2024
El nuevo programa de cursos intensivos de idioma chino se divide en dos etapas: básico e intermedio. La estapa básica consta de 6 niveles que se subdividen en: HSK1 A, HSK1 B, HSK1 C, HSK 2 A, HSK2 B, HSK 2 C.
La etapa intermedia consta de 5 niveles denominados: HSK3 A, HSK3 B, HSK3 C, HSK3 D, HSK 3E.
La etapa de avanzado consta de 5 niveles denominados: Avanzado 1A, Avanzado 2A, Avanzado 3A, Avanzado 4A, Avanzado 5A.
Cada curso tiene una duración de 39 horas divididas en 7 sesiones de 6 horas semanales cada una. Cuando los estudiantes terminan satisfactoriamente la etapa de básico, se les confiere un certificado de aprovechamiento.
Con el fin de mejorar la enseñanza del chino y facilitarle al estudiante un mejor aprendizaje, a partir de enero del 2020 las personas que no hayan matriculado cursos en el Instituto Confucio por más de 1 año deben realizar el examen de ubicación.
Los estudiantes matriculados obtienen ventajas tales como oportunidades de becas para la Escuela de verano de la Universidad de Renmin, becas de 6 meses, 1 año o para bachilleratos o maestrías en la enseñanza del chino en universidades de la República Popular China, entre otras.
Los estudiantes matriculados también tienen la oportunidad de ganar un cupo para la Competencia Puente Chino Universitario que se lleva a cabo en julio de cada año en una ciudad de la República Popular China. Todos los gastos de viaje, hospedaje y alimentación son cubiertos.
Es importante señalar que algunas clases pueden ser impartidas en inglés a partir del curso HSK 2A en adelante.
Por último, los estudiantes matriculados pueden participar en Campamentos de verano en la República Popular China subsidiados por la Sede Central de los Institutos Confucio.